And again, what is art?

So I am at an Art Show over the weekend, and I was next to a very nice man, who painted with Coffee!    Now this is not a put down of what he does, but I asked him why he choose to paint with coffee.  And his reply was ” that is what art is…. being different from everyone else”.  Now I didn’t particulary like his pictures, they were of comic figures and only painted with brown, but I liked his comment even less.

I paint to try to get the image I see in my head onto paper.  Because I am one of a kind, that image in my head will different from everyone else’s.  This is the reason that it is different.  I don’t set out to paint a different picture.  If the images in his head are all monchromatically brown,   comic action figures, so be it.  But don’t paint to be different that everyone else.  Paint to be yourself.

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