Life changes.

My life here is changing. I am not sure I like it. In fact sometimes it feels like my heart is being ripped out. Our youngest daughter has been blessed from an early age with a gift in music. Now she is 18 and going off to music conservatory far far away…. FLORIDA! And soon I have to take her down there and leave her there. ugh, ugh, ugh. Our youngest son is still at home but counting down the days to get his driving permit. So my life as mom/teacher is fast coming to a close.

How does this affect my life as an artist? I have more free time to devote to doing some of my ideas. You know one of the millions of ideas bumbling around my brain waiting to come out. I need to get organized and set a time to do the hard stuff -oil painting- and-writing my ebook on monotype printing ideas and stop spending so much time with the fun easy stuff- watercolor flowers- and making note cards. Because if I don’t have a plan I tend to just do the fun easy stuff. ( though any art is easier to do than the business side!)

I have so many ideas that I don’t think I will ever get to them all. I wonder if there is a place to sell ideas for someone else to do? Hummm another idea!

Here are some of the note cards I have been making… such fun. Enjoy

I have most of these cards with me at the West Seneca Farmers Market on Thursday evenings from 4 to 7:30. Or some are on my website. If you see one you are interested in you could just email me. They are all $5 for a package of 5.

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