What can you get accomplished in three minutes and thirty three seconds?

Unless you are a full time artist, fitting art into the day is tough.  There are things I have to do everyday,…laundry, meal planning, cleaning, cooking, home schooling.  I try multiple ways to find some extra time to fit in some artwork, but it is HARD.   It didn’t help at all when I got sick, and slowed things down some more.  I have an ear infection ( yes at my age!)  and it feels a lot better when I put a warm rice bag on my ear.  So I put two rice bags in the microwave to warm for 3;33.  Well, you can’t stare at the microwave that long,  so I started picking up the kitchen while waiting … I was amazed!  I can get the counters cleared and wiped, I can put some clean dishes away.  Put dirty dishes in the dishwasher,…. really a lot can get done in 3;33.    I don’t think I can get any actual art work done in three minutes.  But now I know if I have a small amount of time, I can still get something accomplished.   And while I am sitting with said warm rice bag on my ear, I can plan out some artwork, for when I am well again.  

I hope this short Blog encourages you to see what you can get done in a few minutes, so that your house can still run smooth, and hopefully find some time for Art.

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